COURSE TITLE: English Composition
SCHOOL: Arts, Sciences & Education
PROGRAM: Liberal Arts
CATALOG DESCRIPTION: English Composition is designed to develop students’ abilities to craft,
organize, and express ideas clearly and effectively in their own writing. This course incorporates critical
reading, critical thinking, and the writing process, as well as research and the ethical use of sources in
writing for the academic community. Extended essays, including a researched argument, are required.
MAJOR COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this course, students
will be expected to:
COURSE CONTENT: Topical areas of study will include –
Academic writing Navigating digital information
The rhetorical situation Library and other research methods
The writing process Annotation
Generating ideas Citation and plagiarism
Thesis statement development Paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting
Essay organization Documentation
Analysis and synthesis MLA and/or APA Style
Argumentation Conventions of Standard Written English