English Grade 10
Two Semesters
One Credit Each Semester
This course is a graduation requirement.
Students in Grade 10 must sign up for this course.
English 10A is the study of historically and culturally significant works of literature. Students use literary interpretation, analysis, comparisons, and evaluation to grow skills in critical thinking and writing competency. Students complete English 10A before taking English 10B.
English 10B is the study of language and composition. Students write a variety of compositions including narrative, informative, and argumentative that meet state standards of the writing process including instruction of correct usage and language mechanics. Students receive instruction in writing technique and receive regular feedback from peer and teacher audiences. Throughout the year, students participate in grade-appropriate oral presentations and discussions and use technology in different degrees to proactively refine the writing and reading process as well researching credible sources to build knowledge of topics and to support claims.
Students in grade 10 should sign up for English 10A first semester.
Students in grade 10 should sign up for English 10B second semester.